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Building a Better Britain
Economists and politicians need to realise that the UK people have changed. They are now the highest educated people we have ever had. They are the ones who have noticed that they are not getting a fair deal and have thrown the cuckoos out of the nest. They want a new deal.
Similarly they are the people driving the new sector of the economy the ‘Knowledge Sector’, embracing AI, Robotics, nano-technologies, the Internet of Things, Gameification, new materials and new knowledge from every source multiplied by our innate capability to innovate that is to turn new knowledge into real life and to deploy and implement them them effectively.
The economy is no longer driven by the land owners or the factory owners. The Services sector still exists covering retail, tourism, entertainment, hospitality and private rented housing.
This new Britain needs a new, revitalised ethos and direction looking after our nation.
Three key elements, namely:
1. Congratulate the Voters
- Just as the Scots, Welsh and Ireland have national days so should England, so rename the Early Spring Bank Holiday as “England Day” and change the date to 23rd April
- Announce a new national day for everyone “Independence Day” June 23rd each year
- To solve the housing shortfall (a million homes) and to create half a million new jobs announce EDZ Enterprise Development Zones available for any ineffectively used land in city , town and village centres utilising existing public transport facilities for example bus and train stations and any available car-parks.
2.Create a larger executive Better Britain Team, create a larger executive Better Britain Team, say 5,00 people recruited from the professions and industry amongst other items:
- To establish a level playing field solve the problem of the “Haves” versus the “Have-nots”, the same problem the Aborigines and the North American Indians all dispossessed of their land by invaders or armed gangs.
- To give the maximum freedom to wealth creators,eliminate transaction taxes e.g. Stamp Duty, and Inheritance and Capital Gains taxes
- To reward and look after local creators rliminate Business Rates and reduce Corporation Tax to one per cent for those companies not subject to IPR charges, royalties, head office management charges or other devices designed to export profits to an external jurisdiction-
- To simplify the Tax Law and release people to more constructive roles, eliminate Airport Taxes and other minor taxes
- To improve productivity and quality of service instate trading opportunities in every area that can be considered a monopoly, including Train Operators’ contracts, local government (particularly as they are no longer audited accounts) Health Services, Water companies, thr\copper cable’ twisted pair monopoly abused by the current owners
- To reduce the feeling of inequality open up Quangos so that they are run by unpaid volunteers, to be rewarded by a new nomenclaturte for example VSOP (volunteer specialist)
- To eliminate the preference given to political appointees and civil servants to reorganise the House of Lords, and to remove hereditary ranks and Lords Spiritual and substantially reduce their numbers
- To recognise the importance getting people to their work efficiently to sort out a new method of public transport e.g. bus convoys with alterations to priorities on motorways and dual carriageways
- To ensure that Honours are greeted fairly by the nation as a whole to change the Honours rules so that the media cannot use the honorific if the individual is not ordinarily resident and domiciled in the UK
- To properly recognise the extraordinary contribution made by our colleagues who work overseas, cahnge the income tax laws so that their rewards are free of UK income and corporate taxes
- To give voters control of their local council by revoking the current payments to councillors (as this makes them dependent on their income, ), by legislating that every council produces and publish them proper report and accounts (just as public companies are required to do)
- Now let’s get everyone in Britain speaking good english and enjoying our culture, ethos and freedoms
3.Create a separate EU exit team to handle the divorce, recognising that it will be virtually impossible to negotiate with twenty seven countries. There seems to be a determined effort by too many people to make these negotiations very difficult or impossible or impossibly protracted.
In these circumstances our probable starting point is to trigger Article 50 and then to announce that we will consider any agreed proposal from the EU agreed by thee twenty seven member.
In the event of this being impossible then we will leave in twenty four months; that we now have to accept the possibility of being accused of aiding and abetting corruption by transferring monies to organisations without audited accounts; ourt payments would any way reduce progressively to NlL by the end of the twenty four months.
In these circumstances the UK will negotiate Trade Agreements with whoever they want to, ready for implementation on the first day of freedom but no later than 23rd June 2019.