If you'd like to donate to the causes that are close to my heart, you're very welcome to do so below.
Large print Hints and Tips for help with Sight Loss. A 28 page booklet at 4 Mb.
Would you like one of Cliff's famous help cards?
Cliff is now celebrating "MOJO Regained".
In the nearly ten years since in 2009 Cliff's life was taken over by the "Blodge" he has Progressively , in a thousand and one changes, adapted how he sees to get te best out of life.
The Blodge is a patch of distortions, grey or black, large or small, caused by the loss of central vision itself caused by blue light damage to the Macula (Also known as Age-related Macula Degeneration (AMD).
His passion is for trying to improve life and society and has recently taken to being a public speaker, on various themes for example "Mojo Regained"; "Living a Gluten Free Life"; "AMD research needs our support"; "Joys and woes of one day"; "IT, the wonder of my life"; " A Garden for the Blind."
He's providing a 'Please Help, I'm Visually Impaired' card to help people become more independent. To ask for one, please click here.
He is pleased to have been a part of the team at t Shoreham AMD Support Group who created the "Eyeopener" as a help for new and existing sufferers of AMD. Download your copy here.
He is writing a book on his personal experiences and also creating Soutwick VI Tennis group as an effective practical way of restoring your life.
Other passions include finding good gluten free restaurants and cafés in Sussex and elsewhere, plus Gardening and growing your own food on his allotment.
Cliff Jenkins' Personal Profile
Cliff Jenkins, educated at a good school, is now retired from business, heused to be was a having been a Chartered Accountant, a Chartered Management Accountant, member of the Institute of Sales and Marketing and a Founder member of the British Computer Society. He was a Management Consultant, a very successful salesman and sales manager and has run his own businesses.
His education, his international business experience and private visits around the world moulded his understanding of the world.
He is of the firm opinion that we have no real vision, no realisation of just how fast everything is changing and that that rate of change is itself getting much much faster.
He has seen the changes over the last fifty years and seen the progress we have achieved and has compared this with the progress during the previous one hundred years and the previous one thousand years (see his book "Power and Peace".)
From that comparison he has created his own vision of what the future may hold and is publishing them as the "Tomorrows'" Series , Tomorrows' Winds was the first.
Cliff’s motivation for the books is to find answers to the questions,
“What world are we passing onto our children and to their children?",
“How can we best prepare them for the world that they will inherit?” and “How can we make it better?
Cliff is the independent author of several books
To my friends and acquaintances, old and new, I'm pleased to introduce my new book, “Tomorrows' Tides” -
I have tried to respond to all the constructive comments about “Tomorrows' Winds”, so now we have “Tomorrows' Tides”
Previously you said:
“Very imaginative and stimulating, it's a damned good read. I couldn't put it down.”
“That was great, when will the next be available?”
“Highly imaginative view into one possible outcome of a highly technological society in the future . Optimistic, good fun , easy to read , amusing little twist at the end. I enjoyed it . Lets have the next one!”
“I felt he could have written a much larger book or even given some of his ideas a book of their own to explore them more fully. I'm now intrigued to see how many new ideas are in his next book.”
My books are are at: £ http://tinyurl.com/Tomorrows-Tides (£)
and http://tinyurl.com/TheTomorrows-Series ($)
For new readers the first book “Tomorrows' Winds” is available on Kindle. It's an hour's read, so try it, see what you think.
All the books are now on Kindle. If you don't have a Kindle, you can download the App to your iPhone, your Windows PC, your Mac, iPad or Android phone. – no Kindle required. Just click here to download the one for the Windows PC from Amazon. http://tinyurl.com/2uajty4