Power and Peace, now published on Amazon Kindle

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Power & Peace, 16297 words, the original work on which the Tomorrows’ fiction books are based.How do we get better than we are? WE – whether in Brighton, in Britain, in the ‘West’ or in the World. How can we go about the process of getting better.

This is a series of personal observations and interpretations by a person trying to understand how we got to where we are (Where are ‘we’? Who are ‘we’?) and to look at various scenarios for our future world and also of Britain’s role within it.

Whilst it’s as good as I can get it, I acknowledge regretfully that it’s an imperfect piece of work. Hopefully it is a thought provoking view which might cause some people to think about how they would want the world to work or how we can work together to look after our world; how we in Britain can organise ourselves; and hopefully to get other people to look at how they can best organise themselves.

This book is about picking up strands of evidence, interpreting them, interpolating them and trying to visualise possibilities and options for the future. It’s also about trying to find if there may be a rational philosophy for a vision for the future.

If I’m not satisfied that there is a god, as I’m not, is it possible to create a revised ethos for our society such that the whole world could subscribe to it and which could co-exist with the religions of the world.

If Christianity is supposed to be based on ‘turn the other cheek’ and ‘love thy neighbour as oneself’ why have half the wars, ever fought, been between religions (in this meaning ‘Communism counts as a religion, a state religion’) Come to think of it why do people feel they need to kill each other? Isn’t there a better way than this?

The Good News is that we do have the first plank in enabling such a society to come into being, for the first time in the history of the world we virtually all speak the same language. Without the English language the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in 2010 could not have happened.

Rather than be sad that an agreement couldn’t be reached we should be overjoyed that representatives from one hundred and ninety two countries met and talked in (largely) one language about one of the problems facing us all.

However will it ever be possible to achieve agreement across the whole world?

Well, we can move forward, we can talk to each other and try to learn how to agree, or at least to learn how to stop disagreeing so vehemently or so violently.

Facing us for the immediate future are the actual and possible risks of:
– continuous on-going minor wars
– food and water shortages
– power shortages
– major war

So we need to get better than we are.
So how do we get better than we are?

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