
Cliff's latest blog posts

Our eyes, Our Wonderful eyes.

Our eyes were designed for rural and forestry living. We've only had electric or gas lighting for one hundred of the millions of years over which we have developed our eyes. Just one hundred years, less than the blink of an eye, no wonder they are serious risk...

Open letter to Macular Society re Lutein v AMD

Research supports the theory that high macular pigment levels may reduce your risk of AMD or its progression.Macular pigment can be increased by taking supplements with lutein or zeaxanthi...

A look back at Snowdon.

It was only when I started looking at Google maps that I realised just how much of Snowdonia I have tramped across. The Glydyrs, the Carnedds, Tryfan and of course Snowdon. So fifty years on and with my poor eyesight...

AMD- Three years on AND NOW THERE’S MORE

Bring it on AMD Three Years On, and now for the next thirty years...

2012, We’ve had to start planning already – updated

231011 A few months have swept passed. We've given up both of the two 'five rod' plots on the new allotment and are just keeping the old - various reasons eg too much watering to do; two different locations; too many weeds! So we're running this one down. We've cleared...

2011, In the allotment we’ve started next season already

3rd Feb 2011, cropping leeks, broccoli and potatoes. 24th January 2011. The rhubarb has started so We've covered some up in order to force it. The seed potatoes arrived today from Alan Romans. We're still cropping sprouts, potatoes, leeks, swede, cabbage. Over-wintering crops are coming nicely Broad Beans, Onions; the...

For the Doctors

For the Doctors I use my eyes to see the far horizon I use my eyes to see the beautiful South Downs I use my eyes to see a buzzard climbing a thermal I use my eyes to see a kestrel diving on its prey...

AMD – getting better (?)

I was appalled when I learned I had Dry AMD, but then at my age I had been using my computer a lot and the screen was bright. So three actions:- reduce brightness of screen, reduce hours of computer usem take 40mg of Luiein a day (2 X 20mg FSC...
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