DRY AMD – Winning The battle with AMD?

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DRY AMD – Winning The BATTLE with AMD?

I was furious that I had ‘lost’ my sight, with early 0n-set AMD.
DRY AMD – a catastrophe as AMD means I felt unsafe to drive, and unable to read and to write; …. and to cross the road, read destination boards, and worst of all to be unable to recognise faces

HoweverI have immense confidence in the power of the brain and I determined to get the brain to set up new synapses between the eye and the vision part of the brain. It’s just like a muscle, it needs training, eexefrcise and rest.

So I:
– concentrated on my best eye to shift the grey blockage out iof the way, using a wardrobe door handle to look at and to practice on, every morning for ten minutes. Later I got my left eye to come together with it.

– started taking Lutein, lots of it as in the optical profession they all use it… and the American studies seem to augur well and with no side-effects

– also added VitaminB12 supplement as this might act as a catalyst for Lutein and my count for B12 was very low (181)

– bought a Nexus 7 to go with my Acer PC, because it has brilliant PPI (pixels per inch) 213 0f them. (Now 300 in the Nexus 10 and 320 in the Nexus 4.) I worked with this and it now means I can read the news from Google, DT and all (Plus lots of other things eg email, documents,books, music,)

– use lots of ‘shut-eye’ to rest my eyes, land lots of green from walks in the park and in he country to ease them

– continuously congratulated the brain for any and every improvement no matter how small

DRY AMD – Winning The BATTLE with AMD? NO, but now I can read, write, watch TV, and read a destination board.

Is it fully corrected? No, I’m still fighting the battle and I’m looking forward to stem cell replacement in five or ten years time.


PS. I also have Wet AMD in my left eye and the Lucentis (treatment but not cure)works for me though the stab of a metal shard into the eyeball is painful!!

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