Immediately join a support group because they have all been through it. There are over four hundred AMD Groups around the UK, so find out from the Macular Society which is nearest to you.

2.5 The Action Plan – Join an AMD Support Group

Winning against AMD.

2.5 Join an AMD Support Group.

Immediately join a support group because they have all been through it.

There are over four hundred AMD Groups around the UK, so find out from the Macular Society which is nearest to you.

Don`t grumble about how difficult it is to get to, don`t be fussy and negative, these people know more about AMD than you do and they have been dealing with it for much longer than you.

Every little thing you learn makes your life just that bit easier. Lots of little bits, little wins, build up to be a big WIN.

Every part of your life changes so hints and tips are the oil which make it happen whether it is about getting a Disabled Bus Pass to which smartphone to get.

Probably the most important feature is that you are amongst people who KNOW, so there is no need for explanations, we know how you are affected. At last you can be comfortable and you can relax. Now sit down and have a cup of coffee.

Many of the Groups bring in expert speakers and arrange group outings.

It is a great source of ideas, all based on knowledge and (hard earned) experience. As it is very difficult for any of us to read, we need new ideas and knowledge to be spoken to us and the support group is brilliant for this.

Just one new piece of information is a WIN.

Every new piece of information is a WIM.

Lots of little wins are wonderful for the soul and builds up to a big WIN.

You can rebuild your self-reliance, resilience and self-confidence.


Winning against AMD – Age-related Macular Degeneration

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